Micaiah offers a schedule of daily Bible readings which, if followed through the year, will result in the reader's having read through the entire Bible in one year!


Included, are three passages per day, covering both the Old and New Testaments.




May    1  - Act. 14, Jos. 22, Job 31
May    2  - Act. 15:1 - 21, Jos. 23 - 24, Job 32
May    3  - Act. 15:22 - 41, Jud. 1, Job 33
May    4  - Act. 16:1 - 15, Jud. 2 - 3, Job 34
May    5  - Act. 16:16 - 40, Jud. 4 - 5, Job 35
May    6  - Act. 17:1 - 15, Jud. 6, Job 36
May    7  - Act. 17:16 - 34, Jud. 7 - 8, Job 37
May    8  - Act. 18, Jud. 9, Job 38
May    9  - Act. 19:1 - 20 Jud. 10:1 - 11:33, Job 39
May   10 - Act. 19:21 - 41 Jud. 11:34 - 12:15, Job 40
May   11 - Act. 20:1 - 16, Jud. 13, Job 41
May   12 - Act. 20:17 - 38, Jud. 14 - 15, Job 42
May   13 - Act. 21:1 - 36, Jud. 16, Psa. 42
May   14 - Act. 21:37 - 22:29, Jud. 17 - 18, Psa. 43
May   15 - Act. 22:30 - 23:22, Jud. 19, Psa. 44
May   16 - Act. 23:23 - 24:9, Jud. 20, Psa. 45
May   17 - Act. 24:10 - 27, Jud. 21, Psa. 46
May   18 - Act. 25, Ruth 1 - 2, Psa. 47
May   19 - Act. 26:1 - 18, Ruth 3 - 4, Psa. 48
May   20 - Act. 26:19 - 32 1Sam.1:1 - 2:10, Psa. 49
May   21 - Act. 27:1 - 12 1 Sam. 2:11 - 36, Psa. 50
May   22 - Act. 27:13 - 44, 1 Sam. 3, Psa.  51
May   23 - Act. 28:1 - 16, 1 Sam. 4 - 5, Psa. 52
May   24 - Act. 28:17 - 31, 1 Sam. 6 - 7, Psa. 53
May   25 - Rom. 1:1 - 15, 1 Sam. 8, Psa. 54
May   26 - Rom. 1:16 - 32,1Sam.9:1-10:16, Psa. 55
May   27 - Rom. 2:1 - 3:8,1Sam.10:17 - 11:15, Psa. 56
May   28 - Rom. 3:9 - 31, 1 Sam. 12, Psa. 57
May   29 - Rom. 4, 1 Sam. 13, Psa. 58
May   30 - Rom. 5, 1 Sam. 14, Psa. 59
May   31 - Rom. 6, 1 Sam. 15, Psa. 60





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