

Be at Peace!







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Terror by Night

Psalm 91:5, Proverbs 3:24


A Testimony of Glen Robertson





HESE TWO passages are not given a specific context by Scripture, so can be understood generically, in many different contexts.  The context of that this author would like to speak, is that of the Spiritual.


As a pastor who deals a great deal in the supernatural, as a specific area in which God has ordained that he should have influence, nocturnal terrors are not at all uncommon.  This is a time at which the devil and his angels have elected to specifically attack God's children, and specifically those much involved in supernatural battle.1  Witches pray against the children of God and pastors beginning at 3:00 or 3:00 every night; this is the time that one may be most likely to be awakened to find the presence of a demonic presence in the room.  When this happens one may feel the presence of evil, or simply a presence of which one is terrified.  Children in another room may also wake up, screaming.  One may see what has been called, "the Hag," an old, evil woman who approaches the bed, or sits on one's chest.  One may feel a great weight on one's chest or body, that may also prevent one from moving, or even from speaking.  At all such times there will be a terror.2  These occurences happen most often to ones involved often or at that time in spiritual warfare, or who are being oppressed for some reason by the evil one.  Often, when one has performed an exorcism on a person or place, those demons will follow him home, and torment him for doing so.


The answer is, quite simply, know that we, as God's children, have complete power over the evil one, and to invoke the Name of Jesus in doing so..  When Jesus died on the cross, He kicked satan out of heaven.3  Satan is defeated and knows that his time is short.4  Jesus has given power and orders to His children, to combat and defeat, every time, demons.5 So, just Name the Name of Jesus!  Repeat the Name of Jesus!  Scripture tells us that Michael, when battling with the devil, said, simply, "The Lord rebuke thee!."6  Revelation 12:11 says, "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony."  Repeat, "the blood of the Lamb;" as Jesus did7 quote Scripture.  The present author finds that at these times the best that he can find presence of mind to do is to say, "The Lord rebuke you, satan, and all your demons, in Jesus' Name!" and, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus," repeatedly.  The presence of evil and of fear eventually leaves.


The evil one can have no power whatsoever over the children of God, that God (see Job 1, 2), Himself, does not give him.  (Unless, of course, the child of God gives satan a foothold into his life by using some sort of witchcraft, horoscopes, fortune telling, etc.  If that is the case, these things must be thoroughly expunged from the person's life, home, and affections.)  So the child of God, in these situations, is COMPLETELY SAFE.  There is NO harm that the evil one may do to him.  That is why he uses fear; he is otherwise (unless the Christian lets him) completely without power to harm the Christian.  


Kenneth Hagin is said to tell the story of awakening at night to see the devil seated at the end of his bed.  It is told that Mr. Hagin said, "Oh, it's just you," and turned over and gone back to sleep.











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1 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Ephesians 6:12


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2  God is the Author of peace (I Cor. 14:33).  Consequently, satan is the author of confusion and fear; he is automatically the author of anything and everything opposite to, or in opposition to God.


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3 Rev. 12:9 - 11


4 Rev. 12:12


5  Matt. 10:8, Mark. 16:17, Luke 10:17


6 Jude 1:9


7 Matt. 4, Luke 4  

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