The BC cartoon of Easter Sunday showed a
minora, with candles being snuffed out one by one,
finally being replaced by a cross. This to me
suggested the now-outmoded theological concept that
Christianity somehow replaces Judaism.
I would prefer that my grandchild not
be exposed to this concept, which has been the cause
of so much death and suffering.
Jesus was a Jewish rabbi, and the
religion of which he was a part is very much alive.
The BC strip frequently advances
ideas peculiar to one particular branch of
Christianity, in contrast for example, to
"classic Peanuts," which often
celebrates religious insights that can be
appreciated equally by grandchild, parent, and
I think it is time to drop BC
from your comic page.
Editor's note: Johnny Hart, creator of BC, had this to
say about his Easter cartoon:
The true purpose of Christmas and Easter
is to honour a man. The same man, Jesus.
They are not designated holidays to honour red-suited
Santas or egg-laden bunnies. Yet, whenever I try
to honour this man of men for whom these days are set
aside, h ackles go up.
The God of Judaism and the God of
Christianity is the same, and the people of Israel are
his chosen people, and Jesus is one of them.
Jesus lived a sinless life for 33 years, and dwelt
among us. he never missed a Sabbath, a holy day
or a feast. he was more than a good Jew, he was
a rabbi, teaching in the synagogue and a healer of
It was a holy week for both Christians
and Jews, and my intent was to pay tribute to both.
I sincerely apologize if I have offended any readers,
and I also sincerely hope that this cartoon will
generate increased interest in religious awareness. |