Concerning your future




- Building a new home? Psalm 127  Ephesians 5  Colossians 3  I John 4:7 - 21
- Assuming more responsibility? Joshua 1:1 - 9
- Leaving home to travel? Psalm 121
- Getting married? Proverbs 5:15 - 21;  31:10 - 31
- Establishing a new business? Psalms 37; 92  Ecclesiastes 5
- Facing a crisis? Job 28:12 - 28  Proverbs 8  Isaiah 55
- Planning your budget? Mark 4  Mark 10:17 - 31  Luke 19
- Needing to know God's will for your life? Proverbs 3:1 - 6



Adapted from Canadian Bible Society's, "Where to Look in the Bible,"
and/or Good News Publishers,' "Where to Look in the Bible." 
